Owning a property (home, condo, loft, etc) is the most gratifying reward one can have. However, there are tasks that need to be done on a continuous basis in order to properly main the property.

At Peterlepeintre.com // Peterthepainter.ca , we aim to assist the property owner in maintaining and caring their property for as long as they live there.

The harsh weather like snow, rain and sun takes a toll on the property. Every homeowner needs to take care of their property by making sure certain tasks are completed before and after each season.

Below, you will find a list of action items that we at Peterlepeintre.com // Peterthepainter.ca recommend you perform annually.

Before the winter season sets in, here are some of the maintenance tasks that needs to be looked at BEFORE the weather sets in:

  • checks all windows and doors for cracks
  • make sure all caulking around the doors and windows are in good condition
  • make sure the drains (in garage, basement) are clean and free of debris
  • the drains need to be full of water – run the water hose in the drain for a few minutes to make sure the drain works properly
  • check the sump pump and make sure it works – pour in some water and see if the pump works
  • wash all windows
  • put away all patio furniture or cover the furniture with a plastic sheet
  • turn off the water for the outside hose
  • turn off the water from the inside for the outside (you need to make sure you have a special value installed)
  • remove window screens
  • fix any cement cracks that are showing
  • fix any asphalt cracks that are showing
  • cleanup your vegetable garden
  • clean up all leaves until the very end – leaving the dead leaves tends to burn the grass
  • if you have a gas value outdoor for a BBQ, turn off the value from the inside
  • set your irrigation system to OFF
  • turn OFF the breaker switch for your AC unit
  • cover your AC unit with a cover
  • clean gutters and make sure all down spouts are away from the foundation
  • check the smoke detector batteries or replace the batteries
  • lubricate the door locks and hinges
  • make sure you have your shovels ready
  • make sure you have bought your salt, rocks for the ice

Summer Tasks